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"National Geographic TV and The Disney Channel have agreed to resolve through settlement the dispute that was brought before the Copyright Claims Board by author and retired FBI agent R. Scott Decker.  Decker's book, Recounting the Anthrax Attacks: Terror, the Amerithrax Task Force, and the Evolution of Forensics in the FBI, was one of the many sources referenced by show runners Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson in the development of The Hot Zone-Anthrax television series."

Praise for Recounting the Anthrax Attacks:

"This is an eye opening account of all that goes into an investigation like this, one that is a threat to all of us. As ordinary citizens we never hear about the hard work that is done to protect us from things like the anthrax threat. Scott Decker did an excellent job both with the investigation and writing about it."
— Marilyn Meredith, author of the Deputy Tempe Crabtree and Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery series; serves on the board of Public Safety Writers Association

"Decker provides a deep and detailed account of how the FBI and other federal agencies used the new field of microbial forensics as well as DNA analysis and other cutting-edge techniques to conduct one of the largest terrorism investigations in the nation's history. His inside knowledge offers something for sleuths and scientists alike."
— Ed Palattella, editor of Erie Times-News; author of Pizza Bomber: The Untold Story of America’s Most Shocking Bank Robbery and A History of Heists: Bank Robbery in America

"With a keen eye for detail, PhD scientist and former FBI agent, Scott Decker, takes the reader deep inside the government’s investigation of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks."
— David Willman, author, The Mirage Man: Bruce Ivins, the Anthrax Attacks and America's Rush to War